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Referred Journals:

  1. Ayuda M.I., Esteban E., Martín-Retortillo M., and Pinilla V. 2020. "The Blue Water Footprint of the Spanish Wine Industry: 1935–2015". Water 12(7), 1872.

  2. Berbel J. and Esteban E. 2019. "Droughts as a catalyst for water policy change. Analysis of Spain, Australia(MDB), and California". Global Environmental Change 58, 101969. DOI:

  3. Esteban E., Dinar A., and Albiac J. 2019. "Determinants of water lobbying: irrigators' behavior in a water-stressed basin". Water Policy wp2019148. DOI:

  4. Crespo D., Albiac J., Kahil T., Esteban E., and Baccour S. 2019. "Tradeoffs between Water Uses and Environmental Flows: A Hydroeconomic Analysis in the Ebro Basin". Water Resources Management  33(7), 2301–2317. DOI:

  5. Sanz-Hernández A., Esteban E, and Garrido P. 2019. "Transition to a bioeconomy: Perspectives from social sciences". Journal of Cleaner Production 224: 107-119. DOI: 

  6. Esteban E., Dinar A., Albiac J., Calera A., García-Mollá M. and Avellá L. 2018. "Interest group perceptions on water policy reforms: insight from a water stressed basin". Water Policy 20 (4): 794-810.  

  7. Esteban E. and Albiac J. 2016. "Salinity pollution control in the presence of farm heterogeneity: An empirical analysis". Water Economics and Policy 2(2).

  8. Kahil T., J. Albiac, A. Dinar, E. Calvo, E. Esteban, L. Avellá and M. García-Molla. 2016. "Improving the Performance of Water Policies: Evidence from Drought in Spain". Water (8): 34-49.   

  9. Esteban E. and A. Dinar. 2016. "The role of groundwater-dependent ecosystems in groundwater management". Natural Resource Modeling 29(1): 98-129.

  10. Martínez Y. and E. Esteban. 2014. “Social choice and groundwater management: application of the uniform rule”. Ciencia e Investigación Agraria 41: 153-162.

  11. Esteban E. and A. Dinar. 2013. “Modeling sustainable groundwater management: Packaging and sequencing of policy interventions”. Journal of Environmental Management 119:93-102.

  12. Esteban E. and A. Dinar. 2013. “Cooperative management of groundwater resources in the presence of environmental externalities”. Environmental & Resource Economics 54(3):443-469.

  13. Esteban E. and J. Albiac. 2012. “The problem of sustainable groundwater management: the case of La Mancha aquifers, Spain”. Hydrogeology Journal 20(5):851-863.

  14. Esteban E. and J. Albiac. 2012. “Assessment of Nonpoint Pollution Instruments: The Case of Spanish Agriculture”. International Journal of Water Resource Development 28(1):73-88.

  15. Esteban E. and J. Albiac. 2011. “Groundwater and ecosystems damages: questioning the Gisser-Sánchez effect”. Ecological Economics 70(11): 2062-2069.

  16. Esteban E., J. Tapia, Y. Martínez and J. Albiac. 2011. “Pigouvian taxation to control nonpoint pollution in the Ebro Basin”. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 9(4):957-970.


Book Chapters:

  1. Esteban E., Crespo D., Albiac J. 2017. El agua subterránea en España: modernización, gestiónde acuíferos y ecosistemas. Efectos de la Modernización de Regadíos en España. Fundación Cajamar, Colección de Economía,  pp. 161 - 184. 2017. ISBN 978-84-95531-83-4

  2. Albiac J., A. Dinar, M. Taher Kahil, E. Esteban. 2015. The debate on sustainable water management: Evidence from drought in the Jucar basin. En J. Andreu, A. Solera, J. Paredes, D. Haro, H. Van Lanen (Eds.) Drought Research-Policy Interfacing. CRC Press/Bakelma. Leiden.

  3. Albiac J., E. Calvo, J. and E. Esteban. 2014. “River basin governance and water policies in Spain”. Editors: D. Garrick, G.R.M. Anderson, D. Connell and J. Pittock. Federal Rivers: Managing Water in Multi-Layered Political Systems. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 978-1 78195 504 8.

  4. Albiac J., Kahil M.T. and Esteban E. 2013. “Cambio climático”. Editors: J.A. Gómez-Limón and E. Reig-Martínez. La sostenibilidad de la agricultura española. Fundación Cajamar.

  5. Albiac J., Esteban E., Tapia J. and Rivas E. 2013. “Water scarcity and droughts in Spain: Impacts and policy measures”. Editors: Schwabe K., Albiac J, Connor J., Hassan R. and Meza González L. Drought in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions. Springer.

  6. Albiac J., E. Calvo, J. Tapia and E. Esteban. 2010. “Water Quality and Nonpoint Pollution: Comparative Global Analysis”. Editors: A. Garrido, L. Martínez-Cortina and E. Lopez-Gunn. Re-Thinking Water and Food Security: Fourth Botin Foundation Water Workshop. eds. Balkema (Francis and Taylor Group). ISBN: 978-04155-87907.

  7. Esteban E. 2009. “Non-Uniform Input Tax Instrument to Control Nonpoint Saline Pollution from Irrigation”. Editors: P. Sauer and J. Sauerová. Environmental Economics and Management. Young Scholar Perspective. Eds. Litomysl Seminar Publishing. ISBN: 978-80-86709-15-4.

  8. Esteban E., J. Tapia, Y. Martínez, and J. Albiac. 2009. “Los instrumentos para la gestión de la cantidad y la calidad del agua: revisión crítica” En J. Gómez-Limón, J.A. Garrido, J. Calatraba, A. Xabadía. La economía del agua de riego en España, eds. Fundación Cajamar (Colección de Economía). ISBN: 978-84-95531-45-2.


Other Publications:

  1. Esteban E. 2020. "El reto de la agricultura de regadio ante el deterioro de los recursos hídricos”. Red de Intercambio de Conocimiento Agroalimentario (RICA). Opiniones y Experiencias, abril 2020.

  2. Albiac J., Dinar A., Esteban E., Kahil T. 2018. "The Role of Policies in Managing Scarce Water Resources". SCIENTIA. DOI: 10.26320/SCIENTIA. 

  3. Crespo D., Albiac J., Kahil T., and Esteban,E. 2018. "Análisis de la asignación sectorial y espacial del agua en la Cuenca del Ebro: impactos de la escasez y las sequías. Revista Española de Estudios Agrosociales y Pesqueros 250: 127 - 159. 

  4. Kahil T., J. Albiac, A. Dinar, E. Esteban, L. Avellá and M. García-Molla.2016. "El debate sobre las políticas de agua: evidencia empírica de la sequía en el Júcar". Revista Española de Estudios Agrosociales y Pesqueros, 243: 115-144.

  5. Esteban E. 2015. "Gestión de los recursos hídricos y los ecosistemas". Diario de Teruel ( 26 Octubre 2015). 

  6. Saz I. and E. Esteban. 2015. "Importancia y valoración económica de los activos ambientales en el turismo de la Sierra de Albarracín". Fuentes, Manatiales y Otros Puntos de Agua de la Sierra de Albarracín: aproximación a su estudio e inventario. Albaqua - Centro de Estudios de la Comunidad de Albarracín

  7. Albiac J., T. Kahil, A. Dinar, E. Esteban, M. García-Molla and L. Avellá. 2015. "El debate sobre la gestión sostenible de los recursos hídricos: evidencia empírica de la Cuenca del Júcar". Boletín Inter Cuencas - Fenacore 44: 12-14.

  8. Soriano M.A., V. Monterde and E. Esteban. 2014. “Cambio de ciclo en la economía turolense durante el período de la crisis económica, 2007-2013”.  Economía Aragonesa 54: 77-94.  

  9. Esteban E. and J. Albiac. 2012. “Water nonpoint pollution problems in Europe”. GWF Discussion Paper 124, Global Water Forum, Camberra, Australia. Available online at:


Working papers:

  1. Esteban E. and A. Dinar. 2012. “Groundwater-dependent ecosystems: How does the type of ecosystem affect the optimal management strategy?” Water Science and Policy Center, Working Paper 01-0112. Water Science and Policy Center Policy Note 01-0112, January 2012.

  2. Esteban E. and A. Dinar. 2011. “Packaging and sequencing policy interventions for sustainable groundwater management” Water Science and Policy Center, Working Paper 01-0911. Water Science and Policy Center Policy Note 01-0911, September 2011.

  3. Esteban E. and A. Dinar. 2011. “Collective action and the commons: are cooperative groundwater institutions stable in the presence of environmental externalities?” Water Science and Policy Center, Working Paper 01-0811. Water Science and Policy Center Policy Note 01-0811, August 2011

  4. Esteban E. and J. Albiac. 2010. “Groundwater and ecosystem management: analytical findings”. Working Paper 10/02. Supported by projects AGL200765548C0202 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and by INCOCT2005015031 from the European Commission.

  5. Esteban E. and J. Albiac. 2010. “Groundwater and ecosystem management: empirical findings from La Mancha aquifer”. Working Paper 10/03. Supported by projects AGL200765548C0202 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and by INCOCT2005015031 from the European Commission.

  6. Esteban E. and J. Albiac. 2006. “Instruments for salinity pollution control in irrigated agriculture”. Working Paper. Task 4 of Qualiwater Project Diagnosis and Control of Salinity and Nitrate Pollution in Mediterranean Irrigated Agriculture.Financiadopor el programa INCO de la Unión Europea, contrato No.

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